Beef Filet Mignon Recipe Tips

You most probably went shopping and were presented the various beef filet mignon packages available in the butcheries and supermarkets. Even better, you decided to ask for the whole tenderloin in order to enjoy many meals from the different cuts you would obtain from it. In any case, your mouthwatering steak needs to be cooked to give you what its entire worth. It is quite oblivious that cooking without knowledge will give poor results unless you are the type who is gifted in trying out things. Get to know the many recipes available for you on the Internet and learn the quick approaches. You will be surprised just how many ways results will be thrown to your choices.

You may want to package it and only use a small bit. In that case, learning how to cut into small pieces is important. Normally tenderloin rarely has fat in it. However, there is a thin layer of membrane that needs to be removed. Afterward, cool the tenderloin in the freezer for ease of cutting. Cut your pieces into desired thickness with a sharp knife. You will realize that your pieces get smaller as you cut towards the tail of the tenderloin. Fold the filets with meat paper and store them in the refrigerator leaving the one you are to cook on the cutting board.

Before preparation, make a decision on the method you want to use as it authorizes the method you will use for preparation. There are various ways you can cook beef. These include grilling also known as broiling, pan-frying, and roasting. Then, prepare your beef filet mignon according to the method you have chosen and keep it ready for cooking. If you are using the grilling method, season your meat for around thirty minutes. To do this you can sprinkle pepper all around and even better rub more garlic paste together with pepper to give better quality. For better results wrap bacon around the beef and pin with a toothpick that has been soaked in water. This gives an oil layer all rounds and ensures flavor as you maintain moisture. Preheat your grill before cooking your steak for better results.

All the methods used will differ in way of cooking but one thing to take note of is that high heating is required first and then controlled heat can be used to moderately cook the meat to the desired liking. Traditional cooking methods require that you high heat the meat then transfer it to low heat to ensure complete and safe cooking.

Among the many recipes that one can get to go along with your beef filet mignon include Steak Diane where one tablespoon butter is heated for one minute, then salt and pepper added then heating with medium-high heat for 2 minutes having added the tenderloin steaks. The meat is then chilled for five minutes before real cooking. Other recipes include Beef Tenderloin Tips and Dijon Greens, Thai grilled mignon salad, sautéed among others. Having the recipes readily available will help you enjoy every bit of your meal.
